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Church of England Primary Academy

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Year 3

Home Learning


My child is self isolating but their class is still in school:

Please access the resources on this page to continue learning at home. You can select activities from the year group, or the subject specific folders. Any completed work can be uploaded onto Class DoJo or Tapestry for your teacher to see. If you run out of activities, there are lots more on the Archived Home Learning Page too!


My child is isolating because their class has been sent home:

Your child's class teacher will post daily learning activities on your Class Dojo or Tapestry account. Please log in and complete the daily activities and upload them to your portfolio. If you would like any extra work for your child, please access the resources below.


This half term we will be looking at:

English Maths Topic





Science- Animals and humans


Please follow the links below for each of your lessons!


Maths: Multiplication and Division

lesson 1

lesson 2

lesson 3

lesson 4

lesson 5

lesson 6

lesson 7

lesson 8

Science: Animals and humans

lesson 1: the major bones of the human body

lesson 2: Comparing animals and humans


Science: Famous scientists

Lesson: Marie Curie



Science: Magnetism

Lesson 1: what are magnets?

Lesson 2: Magnetic materials

Lesson 3: Uses for magnets



