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Church of England Primary Academy

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Courageous Advocacy

Courageous Advocacy


At Peterhouse, we believe it is our responsibility to equip our children with the knowledge they require to thrive as informed and thoughtful members of our community and the wider world. We aim to nurture their understanding of how the world they live in has been shaped by the events of the past and to inspire them to realise their own agency to shape their world of the future by safely challenging issues they feel strongly about and being advocates for change. As such, in addition to covering the History and Geography National Curriculums, we also offer our own Courageous Advocacy curriculum.


Each Year Group covers a contemporary issue their generation will likely continue to face as they grow up in our world. They learn about these issues and are encouraged to express their views and become Courageous Advocates by raising awareness within the community.


Each unit of work within this curriculum includes a linked text and charity. Please see below for details of each Year Group's unit:

Changes for this Academic Year


Whilst we had hoped to relaunch the Courageous Advocacy curriculum in full this year, given the current cost of living crisis we do not feel it is an appropriate time to be asking for multiple donations to our range of causes. Therefore, all Year Groups will instead take part in a series of "Raising Awareness" days. These will include the children creating banners and fliers to display and hand out, preparing and delivering presentations to other classes and inviting parents/carers in for work/knowledge sharing assemblies. We hope that this amendment to the original plan will still enable our children to contribute to our community by being advocates for their causes, without adding to the financial pressures we know many people are facing at this time.


Keep an eye out for pictures of these events and comments being posted on this page throughout the Summer term!  


