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Home Learning for Reception Children

If your child is learning at home, here are some resources that will help your child to access the same learning as the children in school. 


We ask that you try to do phonics, maths and topic each day. 


Please share your child's learning with us on Tapestry. We will be able to reply to you and send your child messages. 

March 2021... Dragon Tales! 


Set 1 sounds

Please practise reading and writing the sounds that are on your sound mat.


We will add videos to the school website for you.



We are using White Rose Maths in school and at home. 








Dragon Tales!

We are using fairy tales to guide our learning.


Listen to these stories and lessons:


Spring and Easter

Here are 3 lessons about spring:


Here are 3 lessons about Easter:


PSHE & Life Skills

A special series of lessons to help the children understand coronavirus



Suggested timetable & ideas for Home Learning


We understand that every family is different and that you might need your day to be different. That’s okay!



Your child has worked hard to learn to be independent at school so this is a great chance for them to show you at home. Reception children learn a lot through playing and their bodies and brains love to be busy! We have some ideas of other things you can do with your child or that you can challenge them to do on their own.



We use Read Write Inc. You can find out more here:

At home we might ask you to:

  • do an activity such as go on a hunt in your house for things starting with w. Can you find a watch? A window? Some water?

  • Watch one of the online videos here:

  • Watch a video of one of our staff leading a phonics activity

  • Practise reading and writing simple words




We will be using the resources from White Rose. There is a daily video for your child to watch and an activity to do here:


We watch and discuss Numberblocks everyday:



Ideas for your day:



Area of Learning

Brush teeth for 2 minutes

Keep those teeth nice and clean and healthy. Great to use a timer too!

Health and Self-care



Get dressed independently

By the end of Reception, most children should be able to get dressed and undressed by themselves.

Health and Self-care


Name writing or alphabet practise

By the end of Reception, children are expected to write their name and simple sentences.

Physical Development


Wake and Shake/Cosmic Yoga

We love Wake and Shake or Cosmic Yoga. It is great to pop on YouTube for your child to join in with. Why not join in too?

Physical Development


Phonics helps us to learn to read and write.



Healthy Snack

Yummy! We have a healthy snack every day. We love it if we get to use things like the apple slicer or the tongs! Can your child peel an orange or banana?

The children are often challenged to drink their whole water bottle. Why not do that as part of your home school too?

Health and Self-Care


We practise our maths skills every day so we can use them in our work and play.


Independent play

Encourage your child to play independently. You could give them a challenge e.g. draw and colour a picture of an animal, build a model of a castle, write a card to a member of their family, play a game on an app on a tablet etc.


Topic time

We love topic time. We learn about all sorts of different things to make our brains bigger!


We will give you some ideas of things you could do with your child or they could do on their own.




Dragon Tales!

Reception's Home Learning


Here are some ideas for your two weeks home learning:




Which words can you make with these sounds:

m s a t p i n d g o c k?


sat   mat   pat

tin  pin  din

pit  sit  

cot  got pot 

pig  dig  


Can you read these words?

I     no     go    to    the     into


Can you read these "special friends" sounds?

ss  ck  sh   


Sign up to Oxford Owl for free eBooks to read:

Practise writing your name. Can you form your letters correctly? Check here!


Can you write any other words?

Mum     Dad     Nanny     Grandad

love      from

cat     dog     fish



Can you a simple sentence?

I am 4.

I got a pot.

I go to the shop.

Can a dog go on a mat?

Can a fish go into a pot?







Can you read and write numbers to 10?


Can you match numbers (numerals) to amounts of objects?


Can you use these words?






Do you know these signs?

+  -  =

Do you know these flat shapes?

  • square
  • circle
  • rectangle/oblong
  • rectangle


Can you say how many sides and corners they have?


Go on a shape hunt!

Use these words to talk about what you see...

straight, side, curved, flat, round, corners, points, square, rectangle, circle, triangle

We are learning about time!

Think about...

  • Days of the week
  • Seasons
  • Birthdays
  • O’clock times


How long does it take you to do 10 star jumps?


How many times can you write your name in a minute?


What time is your bedtime?

When does school start?



Dragon Tales

Spring & Easter 

PSHE & Life Skills

We are learning to retell fairy tales. What fairy tales do you know?


The original stories are not all like the Disney films. 


Here are some to listen to and talk about:


How exciting to see the seasons changing! 



Here are 3 lessons about spring:


Here are 3 lessons about Easter:






Here are 6 lessons about coronavirus:


We will have some activities on Tapestry for you to do too with videos and pictures to look at and talk about.

