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Art & Games

ChessKid - online chess for children. See the link below the picture.

I have been sent this great link for playing chess online.

If you don't know how to play, this is a great opportunity to learn.


Free chess lessons for schools to keep children’s brains engaged during lockdown.

Safe online environment. 


Our website

Forget Me Nots

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Creating Forget Me Not Cards and Paintings

I have used finger paints to create mine, but you can use the idea to create your own designs with whatever colours you have at home.

Mrs P.

Here are some examples made by the children at school. Have a try at school and let us know how you get on.

Fun Family Photo Alphabet Challenge:


Use any camera you have (phone, tablet etc) and see if you can make letters from things you have around the house or out on your daily excercise. You can try to make the whole alphabet, or spell your name.


Here are some that I have found...

Photo Alphabet

Easter Gardens. Here is some Easter garden craft the children have made. Why don’t you have a go at making or drawing one of your own?

Friday 27th March 2020 - Dandelion Clock

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I have created my dandelion using watercolour finger paints, but you can use any colours that you have at home.
It will be exciting to see all of the different results.

Here are some Dandelion Clock paintings that children have created at Peterhouse. They are also writing stories about floating away on a dandelion seed.

Monday 30th March 2020 - Mondrian

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A quick look at the Peterhouse Art Gallery.
One of the styles of painting that some of the children have tried is Abstract Geometric Art.
Why not try drawing or painting in the style of Mondrian.
Have fun.

Thursday 26th March 2020 - Spiderman

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You only need a pencil and paper to join in with this.
You can add colour if you have some - just red and black.

Wednesday 25th March 2020 - Art and Stuff

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