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Church of England Primary Academy

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2023-24 Prefects

At Peterhouse, we offer our Year 6 prefects the chance to experience a range of leadership experiences. Working in pairs or small groups, the children take on each role for two weeks and then rotate round.


For 2023-24, those experiences include the following - 


Office Prefects

Office Prefects help out in the office during lunch breaks. Delivering messages, answering phone calls and seeing in visitors.


Playground Prefects

Playground prefects will lead games on the playground for the other children during break and lunch times.


Library Prefects

Library prefects will help out in the library, returning books, tidying shelves and putting book displays together.


School Dog Prefects

School dog prefects get to help out with Lily on Mondays and Tuesdays. They can take her for a walk and help with her training.


Class Support Prefects

Class prefects visit the younger classes in the afternoon to lend a helping hand. Reading stories, playing games and setting a good example.


Assembly Prefects

Assembly prefects help out in daily collective worship and get to run the Friday good work assembly.

