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Church of England Primary Academy

The rock for our community

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Pastoral Provision

Welcome to The Nook!


The Nook is our school's pastoral provision. We are very aware that some pupils will require emotional and pastoral support at some point through their educational journey.


Pastoral care is a provision used to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of the pupils.




Meet the team

Miss Gillett – Pastoral Parent Support Advisor / Pastoral Lead

Mrs Vernall – Pastoral Assistant



In the Nook we offer a range of support for children, from emotional and social interventions through to one to one check ins where we can meet with children on a one to one basis to discuss any concerns or provide support tailored to them.


Children will be referred to pastoral groups by their class teacher depending on their individual needs.


Children who attend these sessions will be with the Pastoral team for 45 minutes once a week for 12 weeks whilst completing their intervention.


If you have any concerns with your child these should be raised with their class teacher in order for them to make a referral, alternatively you can contact Miss Gillett (parent support assistant) via the school’s office.


The Nook also offers break and lunch clubs for children who may find being outside with large groups of children overwhelming.
