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Church of England Primary Academy

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Collective Worship

Our Acts of Collective Worship


The daily act of Christian collective worship plays a central role in the life and work at Peterhouse C.E.Primary Academy.It provides us with valuable opportunities to reaffirm our explicitly Christian values and ethos. It offers important opportunities to strengthen our sense of community, belonging and inclusiveness and to reinforce the respect and care we have for each other. Through collective worship we make a significant contribution to the religious, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of those present.


Each Wednesday the daily act of worship is led by our wonderful vicar, Rev. Matthew Price.


Each year we hold a Harvest, Christmas and Easter Services in Mary Magdalene Church. They act as a wonderful opportunity for our children to experience worship at the local Church. We also hold family services each year at Christmas and Easter, which are led by the children.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship.  Please contact the Headteacher to discuss the alternative arrangements that could be made for your child.

Collective Worship Planning


We carefully plan our collective worship to ensure that children get the opportunity to learn more about the school values whilst marking the key events in the Christian calendar. To aid us with this we use resources from Big Start Assemblies and Fischy Music.


This year, our Big Themes are:


Autumn 1 - Responsibility

Autumn 2 - Generosity

Spring 1 - Integrity

Spring 2 - Hope

Summer 1 - Courage

Summer 2 - Perseverance 
